April 13, 2012

The Day I Turn 25 !!

12 April 2012.. Yes, yesterday I turn 25.. :)

I have a beautiful morning thanks to my mom and 2 sweet sisters, with their very 'nice' joke about my present.. hahaha!

And I have a blast in the near end of the day, thanks to my loving fiance.. :))

I know I'm blessed, to have this beautiful big family (yang buat si Mas harus kerja keras utk mengenal & mengingat semuanya.. hahaha!), to have finally found the love of my life, to have the job of my dream (which still needs struggle in each & every day.. :P), to have a little family of my own in my very own office.. I love you all!! Thanks for being in my life!! You're all that matters!! :))

Okay, let's make the best out of all of it! Through this year and years to come..

April 2, 2012

Mama's Back!!!

Gw nunggu2 banget nih hari ini.. Mamaku pulangggg!!! Senangnyaaaa.. :))

Udah super duper kangen sama mama.. Udah banyak juga agenda yg perlu diselesaikan bareng2 mama, terutama soal printilan nikahan anak pertamanya ini.. hihihi.

Ah, rasanya selama 2 minggu lebih mama disini pengen di rumah aja ga usah ngantor.. hahaha!!

Udah ah, gitu aja ah, ga sabar pgn cpt2 malem.. Gonna see you in a bit mom.. :))