March 12, 2012

Rotation Time.. :((

Hello, I have a not so good update..

I have been through a job rotation (well, my batch, to be precise) and I find it a bit hard to accept the fact that I am moving in to a new place and new working atmosphere which I consider to be not as comfortable as the old one.. :(

I don't know.. Maybe it's just me going through a normal feeling that we all may get when it comes to changes.. People here are generally nice, welcome, but as usual in this beloved office, the working hour is strictly unprofessional!! They still 'wait' for the big boss to come home so they could come home. In other word, so not me! I hate it. Period.

I have an extreme idea last week, but after a few conversation with few people, I've decided to put it all on hold and just go with the flow for the moment (only until the right time I feel I can speak up my mind). I don't know, and I hope that this is a wrong hunch.. But the only person I feel uncomfortable with in this new surrounding is my direct boss! Not the chief, like what everyone here has warned me about.. But once again, I really do hope that this is only a wrong hunch and that this is the place I really belong to.. Geez, I miss my old unit and it's people.......!!!!!!! :'''''((

God, I know You'll guide me through all of this, but right now, it just felt so hard that everytime I think about it makes me want to cry.. :'( Even at some point, I feel fed up with this office, with it's stupidity, and even thinks I wanna quit!! Can you imagine that?? I have my dream job, I am thankful for it and always feel that I'm blessed.. But all of the condition have pushed me to the edge!!

Yup, I know, I am full of anger right now.. It is also really hard to act so nice to people in a mood like this.. I want to get over this soon, I want my cheerful and happy mood back!! I want to bring colorful atmosphere to this not-so-colorful (if I can't call it black and white :P) work place!!

Hopefully we'll meet again in a very different mood in a short notice! Until then, ciao for now!

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