Gosh! Guess it has been a very long time since I updated my last post.. Well here I am now!! :)
What's new? well, I am currently no longer in Jakarta, instead, I'm in Groningen now, the north part of the Netherlands.. :)
To make the long story short, beberapa bulan kemarin, gw disibukkan sama urusan apply2 universitas, beasiswa, and kerjaan of course (like always -___-), yang Alhamdulilah membuahkan hasil yang diharapkan: I am now running for the Master of International Law and Law of International Organization at the University of Groningen.. hehehe.
But as I wrote this, I haven't went into any class at all.. I've spent almost 2 weeks here now, but all I do is decorating my new place, buying and getting new stuffs, cleaning and washing and ironing (most boring jobs), and cook! (baru 2 hari sih masaknya, tp lumayanlah..) Berhubung no pic = hoax, I'm not gonna brag on what I've cooked.. ;p
Kelas yg gw ambil baru akan mulai besok, hope everything goes well, as for the rest of the programme..
Udah ah trash talk-nya, nanti (maksudnya kapanpun gw inget dan ga males.. hehe) update pake foto2 aja deh ya..
ps. You're looking for scholarship? why not try mine?? Cek infonya di: website neso indonesia (sistemnya apply universitasnya dulu, kalo udah diterima baru apply beasiswanya.. Don't miss out! Pendaftaran universitas udah mulai dibuka bulan november kalo ga salah.. Just apply asap! Good Luck!)
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