May 10, 2012


Haiii.. Sudah lama sekali yah ga nge-post disini.. hehehe. Setelah diinget2, ada film yg perlu dibahas nih disini... :)

Film terakhir yg kita abis tonton tuh the Avengers.. (seperti biasa, film2 yg lainnya saya lupaaaa krn ga pernah inget utk lgsg tulis post setelah nonton.. wkwk. Maklumlah, saya pemalas utk buka2 internet, bahkan hanya utk buka komputer aja males kalo lg di rmh, jadilah sempetnya kalo di kantor aja, itu pun kalo inget & lg ga ribet browsing2 buat urusan nikah.. :P)

Well anyway, I watch the movie with my beloved fiance yg saya sangat sayang sekaliiiii.. hahaha!

Pas nonton sih intinya gw cuma bilang kalo filmnya keren banget, yah, apalagi udah tersihir sama Tony Stark! hahaha. Tapi setelah nonton dan Via (adek gw) nanya filmnya bagus banget apa ga, si Mas jawab "yah.. 8 lah Vi" gw protes dong, bagus kok! Nah menurut dia, sebenernya ga sebagus itu jugaaa.. Barulah saya pikir ulang, dan berkesimpulan: ok, segi cerita memang biasa aja, simpel dan ga ada sesuatu yg keren banget walaupun dari segi komposisi pemain dan karakter sih OK! Akhirnya miss labil ikutan Mas deh, menilai filmnya 8an ajaaaaa.. :P

A little bit about Tony Stark, yes I fall in love more deeply into him! I didn't chose the wrong superhero to be loved! Iron Man is indeed a superhero that's totally a match for me! hehe.. At least I can say that we're both love ourselves too much, we're cocky just because we think we can, we appear that we don't care when we do care a lot, and people sometimes miss-judge us as selfish, cocky, self centered bitch just because they don't have the opportunity to know us better.. Because only a few lucky people have the chance.. ;) While in the mean time, we are ready to fight for the truth & people's right.. (hahaha! byk omong lo Nik!)

Oh Tony Stark, I love youuuu.. But I love my fiance a little more though.. :P

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