Kejadian sore ini harus banget nih di posting!!
Jadi tadi di jalan pulang yah saudara-saudara, ban mobil gw bagian belakang robek aja loh!!
Lagi tenang2 nyetir di sore hari seperti biasa kan ya sambil denger radio tuh.. eh, tau2 ada bunyi yg ganggu banget dr belakang.. Pas radio dikecilin, mulai kedengeran deh tuh bunyi, waktu itu baru lewat tugu tani tuh.. Akhirnya pas di Teuku Umar, minggirlah gw untuk liat ada apaan.. Begitu dicek, ya seperti yg gw bilang tadi, bannya robek di bagian dalem, jadi robekannya itu yang bikin bunyi2 yg sangat ganggu itu. Karena tidak ada yg bisa kulakukan juga disitu, berniat untuk coba jalan lagi akhirnya..
Duh, nyetir mobil super pelan tuh dari situ.. bunyinya konstan sampe Masjid Sunda Kelapa.. Begitu udah masuk Kuningan, masyaAllah, bunyinya tambah membabi buta!! Karena takut kenapa2, langsung ambil jalur lambat terus langsung masuk area parkir gedung terdekat!
Thank God pak satpam disitu baik! Dia ikutan liatin, terus dipotongin deh tuh tali hasil robekan si ban yang gewer2 semakin panjang. Setelah diyakinkan kalo tuh mobil masih bisa dibawa jalan sampe rumah setelah sobekannya dipotong, meluncurnya saya kembali ke jalanan.. Bunyinya ilang! (walaupun sempet takut tadinya, walaupun sobekannya udah dipotong, tapi sobekannya berlanjut -yg ternyata gak!- hehe)
Akhirnya jalan dari Kuningan sampe rumah dengan aman dan sampe rumah sehat walafiat (walaupun sepanjang jalan tetep deg2an.. :D) Langsung minta liatin tuh ban sama orang rumah.. serem ah kalo mesti ngalamin kaya begitu lagi..
Aku ketemu orang baik lagi hari ini.. Terima kasih pak Satpam.. :))
December 30, 2011
8 Movies Marathon!!
Beberapa hari ini abis marathon dvd nih di rumah (akibat puasa nonton di bioskop kali yah.. haha) Gw bawaannya gatel banget deh kayanya harus nonton film.. :P
Anyway, jadi film-film beruntung itu adalah: Bridesmaids, Crazy Stupid Love, Friends With Benefit, Change Up, Bad Teacher, One Day, Dillema, I Don't Know How She Does It.. Gila, banyak juga yah?! Utang gw sama dvd2 yg belom ditonton dan masih tergeletak dengan manis di rumah jg masih banyak!! Hahaha.
Kasih pendapat singkat yah soal film2 tadi..
Bridesmaids : Lumayan menghibur lah ya.. Tapi di film ini, gw males banget liat pemeran utamanya! Ga bikin simpatik, karena menurut gw di film itu bukan hidup dia yg menyedihkan, tapi dia yg membuat hidupnya yg sebenernya baik2 aja tampak menyedihkan! LAME (-__-")
Crazy Stupid Love : Lumayanlah.. But Not Memorable
Friends With Benefit : Versi lain filmnya Natalie Portman - Ashton Kutcher yang No Strings Attached. Ada bagian2 bagusnya sih, tapi overall biasa2 aja nih film. Justin Timberlake - Mila Kunis ga bisa ngalahin kerennya No Strings Attached.
Change Up : Hmm.. I think the one and only film about people exchanging their soul and body that actually got me was only Lindsay Lohan's Friday Night! (bener kan yah Friday Night judulnya?? Udah lupa banget iniiii)
Bad Teacher : Another crappy film from Justin Timberlake. But this one includes Cameron Diaz in it.
One Day : Touchy. Alur filmnya oke. Ceritanya bagus. I just not so into the kind of love described in this movie. Anne Hathaway masih selalu main film bagus! :)
Dillema : Biasa ajaaaaa... Nothing's special..
I Don't Know How She Does It : Yah, lumayanlah filmnya Sarah Jessica Parker yg ini.. Not Bad.. But not THAT good either..
Woww! Emang gw tukang kritik kali yah?! Banyak amat yg gw bilang biasa aja.. hahaha! Well, not easy to impress me indeed.. But I'm a true-to-myself kind of person.. When it is great, I won't waste another moment to compliment its greatness! Ciao ;)
Anyway, jadi film-film beruntung itu adalah: Bridesmaids, Crazy Stupid Love, Friends With Benefit, Change Up, Bad Teacher, One Day, Dillema, I Don't Know How She Does It.. Gila, banyak juga yah?! Utang gw sama dvd2 yg belom ditonton dan masih tergeletak dengan manis di rumah jg masih banyak!! Hahaha.
Kasih pendapat singkat yah soal film2 tadi..
Bridesmaids : Lumayan menghibur lah ya.. Tapi di film ini, gw males banget liat pemeran utamanya! Ga bikin simpatik, karena menurut gw di film itu bukan hidup dia yg menyedihkan, tapi dia yg membuat hidupnya yg sebenernya baik2 aja tampak menyedihkan! LAME (-__-")
Crazy Stupid Love : Lumayanlah.. But Not Memorable
Friends With Benefit : Versi lain filmnya Natalie Portman - Ashton Kutcher yang No Strings Attached. Ada bagian2 bagusnya sih, tapi overall biasa2 aja nih film. Justin Timberlake - Mila Kunis ga bisa ngalahin kerennya No Strings Attached.
Change Up : Hmm.. I think the one and only film about people exchanging their soul and body that actually got me was only Lindsay Lohan's Friday Night! (bener kan yah Friday Night judulnya?? Udah lupa banget iniiii)
Bad Teacher : Another crappy film from Justin Timberlake. But this one includes Cameron Diaz in it.
One Day : Touchy. Alur filmnya oke. Ceritanya bagus. I just not so into the kind of love described in this movie. Anne Hathaway masih selalu main film bagus! :)
Dillema : Biasa ajaaaaa... Nothing's special..
I Don't Know How She Does It : Yah, lumayanlah filmnya Sarah Jessica Parker yg ini.. Not Bad.. But not THAT good either..
Woww! Emang gw tukang kritik kali yah?! Banyak amat yg gw bilang biasa aja.. hahaha! Well, not easy to impress me indeed.. But I'm a true-to-myself kind of person.. When it is great, I won't waste another moment to compliment its greatness! Ciao ;)
Sherlock Holmes
Bahas film lagi yuk! (ah, jd inget, udah seminggu lebih ga ntn film di bioskop sama my darling.... huhhh)
Kali ini bahas Sherlock Holmes aja deh ya, yg trakhir gw tonton bareng tunangan (ihiy!) & adek gw hampir 2 minggu yg lalu..
First of all, I like this movie oh so much!! hahaha. I love every aspect. Jalan ceritanya, teka tekinya, scenes-nya, tapi yg paling bikin nyangkut di hati memang udah pasti karakter Sherlock Holmes yg diperanin sama Robert Downey Jr pastinya dong.. :D
Gw emang suka tokoh yg pinter, baik, tapi narsis dan egois but deep down inside they're willing to help others and have a great will to sacrifice! Model2 gini kan yang bukan tipikal idola org banyak karena cap egois yg udah dikasih sama org2 sekitarnya, padahal kalo org2 kenal lebih dalam.. bisa cinta mati sama tokoh kaya begini!! Bahkan ngelebihin tipe2 tokoh idola.. (kok gw kaya orang curhat yah?? :P) Yg agak mengherankan, perasaan gw sih selama ini cm 2 tokoh dlm film yang menurut gw sesuai dengan gambaran itu: Sherlock Holmes, dan Iron Man! And both are played beautifully by Robert Downey Jr !! hahaha. That's why I love him so much!
Sherlock Holmes is definitely a worth to watch movie!! All thumbs up for Guy Ritchie ;)
Kali ini bahas Sherlock Holmes aja deh ya, yg trakhir gw tonton bareng tunangan (ihiy!) & adek gw hampir 2 minggu yg lalu..
First of all, I like this movie oh so much!! hahaha. I love every aspect. Jalan ceritanya, teka tekinya, scenes-nya, tapi yg paling bikin nyangkut di hati memang udah pasti karakter Sherlock Holmes yg diperanin sama Robert Downey Jr pastinya dong.. :D
Gw emang suka tokoh yg pinter, baik, tapi narsis dan egois but deep down inside they're willing to help others and have a great will to sacrifice! Model2 gini kan yang bukan tipikal idola org banyak karena cap egois yg udah dikasih sama org2 sekitarnya, padahal kalo org2 kenal lebih dalam.. bisa cinta mati sama tokoh kaya begini!! Bahkan ngelebihin tipe2 tokoh idola.. (kok gw kaya orang curhat yah?? :P) Yg agak mengherankan, perasaan gw sih selama ini cm 2 tokoh dlm film yang menurut gw sesuai dengan gambaran itu: Sherlock Holmes, dan Iron Man! And both are played beautifully by Robert Downey Jr !! hahaha. That's why I love him so much!
Sherlock Holmes is definitely a worth to watch movie!! All thumbs up for Guy Ritchie ;)
Heyhow! 15 menit lg mau pulang nih.. Menikmati akhir 2011 tanpa kerja.. hehehe. Tapi, seharian ini bawaannya kepikiran pengen ngemillll mulu.. FYI, gw bukan termasuk orang yg doyan ngemil sih, kecuali lg ngidam to the max!! :P
Jadi berpikir, Senin mau bawa2 cemilan ah.. Kaya waktu masa2 masih di ruangan sebelah.. hihi. Tapiiii, konsekuensinya, nanti si badan tambah menggila dong berkembang ke sampingnya... Oh well, pilihan sulit.. -__-"
Jadi berpikir, Senin mau bawa2 cemilan ah.. Kaya waktu masa2 masih di ruangan sebelah.. hihi. Tapiiii, konsekuensinya, nanti si badan tambah menggila dong berkembang ke sampingnya... Oh well, pilihan sulit.. -__-"
December 29, 2011
Trash, but Important
I just got home from a quite important meeting for my life (wooww! serius sekali sepertinya ya.. hahaha!) well, it is literally that important.. :) Quite tiring too actually..
Sepertinya beban di kepala sejak hari minggu kemarin hilang langsung deh.. hehehe. Well, mudah2an bener2 ilang yah.. :) Akhirnya gw seperti menemukan titik cerah dari pikiran yang selama ini membebani.. InsyaAllah kejelasan ini bukan cuma bersifat sementara dan dibuat-buat, tapi memang begitu apa adanya..
InsyaAllah segala macem yang akan datang dikemudian hari ga akan terganggu dengan apa yg udah gw bereskan hari ini.. Semoga semuanya akan beresss dan baik2 sajaaaa..
Well, I know I kinda trashing in my own blog with this post since it seems like it's only me who understands what I'm talking about.. But, what the hell! I am happy, and I like sharing my happiness.. hahaha!!
Baiklah, cukup sudah. Udah ketemu my one & only juga.. eheheh. Mari kita tidurrrrr.... :)
Sepertinya beban di kepala sejak hari minggu kemarin hilang langsung deh.. hehehe. Well, mudah2an bener2 ilang yah.. :) Akhirnya gw seperti menemukan titik cerah dari pikiran yang selama ini membebani.. InsyaAllah kejelasan ini bukan cuma bersifat sementara dan dibuat-buat, tapi memang begitu apa adanya..
InsyaAllah segala macem yang akan datang dikemudian hari ga akan terganggu dengan apa yg udah gw bereskan hari ini.. Semoga semuanya akan beresss dan baik2 sajaaaa..
Well, I know I kinda trashing in my own blog with this post since it seems like it's only me who understands what I'm talking about.. But, what the hell! I am happy, and I like sharing my happiness.. hahaha!!
Baiklah, cukup sudah. Udah ketemu my one & only juga.. eheheh. Mari kita tidurrrrr.... :)
December 28, 2011
Back to Routines..
I'm back from my short leave everyone!!! hehehe. Males banget yah masuk kantorrrr.. :P
Kemarin tuh seharian di rumah kan karena sakit, rasanya pengen banget waktu tuh di pause dulu.. And life let me catch my breath.. oh well, that wouldn't happen after all.. hahaha.
Pengalaman pagi ini sampe kantor: masuk area parkiran basement, pas turun mobil akses untuk menuju lift tertutup dengan suksesnya akibat genangan air! akhirnya berdua papa naik tangga dulu ke arah lobby.. Masuk lobby, udah ada pembatas2 kaya yg biasanya ada di stasiun-stasiun kereta gitu loh, cuma belom bisa dipake aja (pake swipe card kayanya yah, well, good luck with the distribution then.. and all the ups & downs using it!). Lift?? Well, masih kaya kemarin2 aja tuh, cuma 2 lift lainnya sepertinya udah hampir jadi (terlihat dari sudah terpajangnya tombol2 baru di dindingnya.. hehehe). Toilet still on progress I guess..
Jam 10 tiba2 diajakin rapat, mendadak. Ternyata diajak ikut rapat juga ada udang di balik batu banget.. bener2 deh tuh salah satu kabag, tobat kali pak!! :P
Karena rapat selesai juga past lunch time, makan di ruangan aja deh.. Padahal temen ngajak janjian, kasubag ngajakin nyoba sop buntut, sampe tante gw juga ngajakin lunch aja dong!! Apa boleh buat, I turn them all down.. *sok laku* wkwkwk.
Oh iya, baru juga masuk ya, udah terpampang aja gitu nama gw untuk dinas weekend minggu depan! Arrggghhh! Malassss. (-__-")
I want a nice, peaceful, happy, colorful candy life!!!!! (who doesn't missy??!!)
Kemarin tuh seharian di rumah kan karena sakit, rasanya pengen banget waktu tuh di pause dulu.. And life let me catch my breath.. oh well, that wouldn't happen after all.. hahaha.
Pengalaman pagi ini sampe kantor: masuk area parkiran basement, pas turun mobil akses untuk menuju lift tertutup dengan suksesnya akibat genangan air! akhirnya berdua papa naik tangga dulu ke arah lobby.. Masuk lobby, udah ada pembatas2 kaya yg biasanya ada di stasiun-stasiun kereta gitu loh, cuma belom bisa dipake aja (pake swipe card kayanya yah, well, good luck with the distribution then.. and all the ups & downs using it!). Lift?? Well, masih kaya kemarin2 aja tuh, cuma 2 lift lainnya sepertinya udah hampir jadi (terlihat dari sudah terpajangnya tombol2 baru di dindingnya.. hehehe). Toilet still on progress I guess..
Jam 10 tiba2 diajakin rapat, mendadak. Ternyata diajak ikut rapat juga ada udang di balik batu banget.. bener2 deh tuh salah satu kabag, tobat kali pak!! :P
Karena rapat selesai juga past lunch time, makan di ruangan aja deh.. Padahal temen ngajak janjian, kasubag ngajakin nyoba sop buntut, sampe tante gw juga ngajakin lunch aja dong!! Apa boleh buat, I turn them all down.. *sok laku* wkwkwk.
Oh iya, baru juga masuk ya, udah terpampang aja gitu nama gw untuk dinas weekend minggu depan! Arrggghhh! Malassss. (-__-")
I want a nice, peaceful, happy, colorful candy life!!!!! (who doesn't missy??!!)
December 16, 2011
My First Cuti.. heheheh
Formally, this is my last day at the office before I take a break with my first leave (for a week) as a public servant.. ;) Technically, there's still 2 days more since me and my co-workers will leave to Bogor today for work until Sunday.. hehehe.
I am soooo excited! Why? Because obviously, I LOVE holidays!! hahaha!
Lucunya, pas mau ngajuin cuti, sebenernya iseng aja karena pengen merasakan hak (hahaha!). My boss asked: "Nikki mau lamaran ya makanya cuti?" Gw jawab ga dong.. Rencananya kan memang ga tahun ini mau lamaran.. Pas tiba2 jadi lamaran tepat pada saat gw cuti itu (cerita lengkapnya liat di MeandMyDawn ya..) langsunglah gw takjub, kok pas banget yah.. hahaha! Good news for me, jadi punya banyak waktu untuk siap2 (DAN beres2 si kamar yg udah hancur lebur ga berbentuk) :P
Udah ada agenda nih buat selama cuti.. Mudah2an terlaksana semua! Mulai dr printilan kecil yg ga penting sampe acara besarnya ya... :))
I am soooo excited! Why? Because obviously, I LOVE holidays!! hahaha!
Lucunya, pas mau ngajuin cuti, sebenernya iseng aja karena pengen merasakan hak (hahaha!). My boss asked: "Nikki mau lamaran ya makanya cuti?" Gw jawab ga dong.. Rencananya kan memang ga tahun ini mau lamaran.. Pas tiba2 jadi lamaran tepat pada saat gw cuti itu (cerita lengkapnya liat di MeandMyDawn ya..) langsunglah gw takjub, kok pas banget yah.. hahaha! Good news for me, jadi punya banyak waktu untuk siap2 (DAN beres2 si kamar yg udah hancur lebur ga berbentuk) :P
Udah ada agenda nih buat selama cuti.. Mudah2an terlaksana semua! Mulai dr printilan kecil yg ga penting sampe acara besarnya ya... :))
Me and My Dawn
Judul apa itu?? Judul blog barukuuuuu... hihihi.
Yes, I've decided to create that blog about me and him.. Mudah2an rajin yah nulisnya.. dan tetep rajin juga yah nulis disini.. :)
Rencananya isinya soal hari2 gw dalam mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya sama my future husband, and spreading a little all the love that we have.. Kalo berguna untuk orang lain Alhamdulilah, kalo ga berguna yah gpp juga.. Kan gw nulisnya buat kepuasan diri sendiri pada intinya.. hahaha!
Kind of excited right now.. Already post 3 entries in a row! :P
Yes, I've decided to create that blog about me and him.. Mudah2an rajin yah nulisnya.. dan tetep rajin juga yah nulis disini.. :)
Rencananya isinya soal hari2 gw dalam mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya sama my future husband, and spreading a little all the love that we have.. Kalo berguna untuk orang lain Alhamdulilah, kalo ga berguna yah gpp juga.. Kan gw nulisnya buat kepuasan diri sendiri pada intinya.. hahaha!
Kind of excited right now.. Already post 3 entries in a row! :P
December 14, 2011
A Story About A Desk.. :P
Jadi begini ceritanya... hehehe, di Ditjen tempat gw kerja skrg ini kan cuma untuk waktu setahun yah.. dan dari awal kita udah tau kalo dalam enam bulan bakal di-rolling intern Ditjen sblm nantinya setelah setahun kita pindah Ditjen..
Nah, entah kenapa, pimpinan tercinta 'agak' berubah pikiran dan ga jadi rolling besar2an di dlm Ditjen, dan gw juga ga jadi pindah.. hehehe.
Berhubung unit gw saat itu lg ga asik.. dr yg awalnya asik bgt tuh unit ( penyebabnya ada lah... pokoknya beneran jd ga asik deh! hahaha ) gw berinisiatif lah melakukan upaya biar pindah ke unit sebelah.. dan berhasil dong! wkwkwk. Setelah beberapa saat di unit baru, tiba2 nih unit mau tukeran tempat sama unit sebelahnya lg.. hahaha! Pindahlah tuh ke ruangan sebelah lg.. Di ruangan ini, kita gabung sama unit keuangan, jadi super rame gitu nih tempat.. wakakak!
Perpindahan itu tidak berhenti sampai disitu ternyata.. hahaha. 2 hari di meja baru, saya memutuskan untuk pindah meja lg ke tempat yg agak lebih tertutup.. hihihi. Jadilah tuh ob kembali gw repotin bongkar2an 1 meja.. :P
Sekarang duduklah diriku dengan tenang di meja baru.. Untuk 2 hari ke depan! Karena minggu dpn aku mulai cuti dan meja ini akan kutinggalkan dulu seminggu ini.. hehehe.
With love - miss Rempong. :P
Nah, entah kenapa, pimpinan tercinta 'agak' berubah pikiran dan ga jadi rolling besar2an di dlm Ditjen, dan gw juga ga jadi pindah.. hehehe.
Berhubung unit gw saat itu lg ga asik.. dr yg awalnya asik bgt tuh unit ( penyebabnya ada lah... pokoknya beneran jd ga asik deh! hahaha ) gw berinisiatif lah melakukan upaya biar pindah ke unit sebelah.. dan berhasil dong! wkwkwk. Setelah beberapa saat di unit baru, tiba2 nih unit mau tukeran tempat sama unit sebelahnya lg.. hahaha! Pindahlah tuh ke ruangan sebelah lg.. Di ruangan ini, kita gabung sama unit keuangan, jadi super rame gitu nih tempat.. wakakak!
Perpindahan itu tidak berhenti sampai disitu ternyata.. hahaha. 2 hari di meja baru, saya memutuskan untuk pindah meja lg ke tempat yg agak lebih tertutup.. hihihi. Jadilah tuh ob kembali gw repotin bongkar2an 1 meja.. :P
Sekarang duduklah diriku dengan tenang di meja baru.. Untuk 2 hari ke depan! Karena minggu dpn aku mulai cuti dan meja ini akan kutinggalkan dulu seminggu ini.. hehehe.
With love - miss Rempong. :P
December 13, 2011
Should I or Shouldn't I ??
Baiklah saya menyerah untuk ga cerita soal ini.. Hihihi. *malu*
I'm planning for something big with a man right now, since we fall for each other so much.. :)
Sekarang ini lg pikir2, lucu juga kali yah bikin blog khusus untuk segala hal dan langkah2 menuju kesana, segala macam keribetan dan kebahagiannya.. jadi kaya punya diary khusus yg bisa dibuat lucu halamannya tanpa menghabiskan waktu lama gunting sana-sini bikin prakarya di buku harian yg sesungguhnya.. hehe ( maklum, wanita malas ) :)
Tapi pertimbangan lainnya adalah, bakal konsisten ga gw ngurusin blog itu?? atau bahkan, kalo nanti pas saat ribet2nya, bakal bikin tambah stres ga dgn adanya blog itu?? Belom lagi takutnya kalo lg nemuin kesusahan jadi kaya curhat gitu, gw kan paling males sebenernya kalo org2 tau masalah gw.. Kan lbh baik berbagi kebahagiaan, kalo kesusahan sih bagi ke org terdekat saja, biar mereka yg pusing.. hahaha! Salah ya?? :P
Jadi, bagaimana yah?? mikir2 gini aja udah bikin kerjaan tambahan buat otak.. wkwkwk. Okay, bye now! *sambil terus berpikir menimbang2* hihi.
I'm planning for something big with a man right now, since we fall for each other so much.. :)
Sekarang ini lg pikir2, lucu juga kali yah bikin blog khusus untuk segala hal dan langkah2 menuju kesana, segala macam keribetan dan kebahagiannya.. jadi kaya punya diary khusus yg bisa dibuat lucu halamannya tanpa menghabiskan waktu lama gunting sana-sini bikin prakarya di buku harian yg sesungguhnya.. hehe ( maklum, wanita malas ) :)
Tapi pertimbangan lainnya adalah, bakal konsisten ga gw ngurusin blog itu?? atau bahkan, kalo nanti pas saat ribet2nya, bakal bikin tambah stres ga dgn adanya blog itu?? Belom lagi takutnya kalo lg nemuin kesusahan jadi kaya curhat gitu, gw kan paling males sebenernya kalo org2 tau masalah gw.. Kan lbh baik berbagi kebahagiaan, kalo kesusahan sih bagi ke org terdekat saja, biar mereka yg pusing.. hahaha! Salah ya?? :P
Jadi, bagaimana yah?? mikir2 gini aja udah bikin kerjaan tambahan buat otak.. wkwkwk. Okay, bye now! *sambil terus berpikir menimbang2* hihi.
A Nice Medicine for Bad Mood
I don't know why I'm in a total bad mood these 2 days.. Lots of crappy moments going on yesterday and also this morning, but I also have no clue which of those contribute for my bad mood, but sometimes I just feel like I'm on my zero point at those moments.
But then came a phone call from him this morning that kinda makes my day.. a little chit-chat that seems very usual, but turns out sweet.. :)
My lunch today with Kancil and another friend of mine at Mbah Jingkrak, surprisingly also cheers me up, puts smiles on my pretty face.. ;)
I love those nice people around me.. I love how they love me.. Love, definitely a nice medicine for a bad mood..
*spreading lots of love!!* :D :D
But then came a phone call from him this morning that kinda makes my day.. a little chit-chat that seems very usual, but turns out sweet.. :)
My lunch today with Kancil and another friend of mine at Mbah Jingkrak, surprisingly also cheers me up, puts smiles on my pretty face.. ;)
I love those nice people around me.. I love how they love me.. Love, definitely a nice medicine for a bad mood..
*spreading lots of love!!* :D :D
The Concerts ;)
Hellow, Heyhow!! it's been quite a while right?! hehehe.
I'm not in a good mood since yesterday, but I'm not going to quarrel about how miserable my life is, since it's not! :)
I'm going to share my concerts experiences.. hihihi. I've been to 2 concerts last week, thanks to a very nice friend that turns out share the same interest on these kind of stuff with me.. :)
Ok! so, on December 5th, I went to Train's concert.. Well, since I get the ticket for free, I can say it's a good show to watch.. hehehe. Not because they don't perform well, but because I only know 3 songs!! hahaha. And those 3 songs?? Sweet! I have a fun time singing along.. ;)
Later on, my friend mention about the possibility for the 2 of us to watch Pitbull on the next day ( yes, 2 shows in a row, AND on weekdays!! ) so we promised to meet each other after work on the next day.. :D
On December 6th, we met at Pacific Place, waiting for the concert, waiting to get the tickets. Lots of funny moments we've been through that finally deliver us to bought the tickets for 300k rupiah each.. hehehe. The show?? Awesome!! After a long time not having fun on the dance floor, I finally can feel it one more time! :)) The only disappointment was that the show only lasted for less than an hour! Can you imagine that?! A man with loads of cool songs sang the songs in a medley kind of way and the short version of each songs.. It's like he's teasing on me. Hahaha. But anyway, it's really a fun night. I went home really late ( not to mention: by myself ) and find it hard to get up for work the next morning.. :P
We planned to still try to get tickets for Katy Perry on January 19th even if it's sold out earlier.. wehehehe. Wish us luck!! ;)
Well, this year I've seen 4 ( if seeing Neon Trees while I'm waiting for Cranberries can't be called 'watching' a concert.. hehe ) concerts I guess.. On Java Rocking Land I particularly waiting for Cranberries, and went to Java Soulnation only to watch Mike Posner whose having an awesome show that I enjoy so much!!
Telling about concerts will not be complete if I don't mention my first one.. It is Simple Plan's! Hihihi. Yes, I like this band so much as a teenager ( I still am anyway-a teenager :p ) I went there with my sisters and accompanied by my very cool and spoiled Uncle.. Hehe. And I still think that's the most coolest concert I've ever been to.. :)
I'm not in a good mood since yesterday, but I'm not going to quarrel about how miserable my life is, since it's not! :)
I'm going to share my concerts experiences.. hihihi. I've been to 2 concerts last week, thanks to a very nice friend that turns out share the same interest on these kind of stuff with me.. :)
Ok! so, on December 5th, I went to Train's concert.. Well, since I get the ticket for free, I can say it's a good show to watch.. hehehe. Not because they don't perform well, but because I only know 3 songs!! hahaha. And those 3 songs?? Sweet! I have a fun time singing along.. ;)
Later on, my friend mention about the possibility for the 2 of us to watch Pitbull on the next day ( yes, 2 shows in a row, AND on weekdays!! ) so we promised to meet each other after work on the next day.. :D
On December 6th, we met at Pacific Place, waiting for the concert, waiting to get the tickets. Lots of funny moments we've been through that finally deliver us to bought the tickets for 300k rupiah each.. hehehe. The show?? Awesome!! After a long time not having fun on the dance floor, I finally can feel it one more time! :)) The only disappointment was that the show only lasted for less than an hour! Can you imagine that?! A man with loads of cool songs sang the songs in a medley kind of way and the short version of each songs.. It's like he's teasing on me. Hahaha. But anyway, it's really a fun night. I went home really late ( not to mention: by myself ) and find it hard to get up for work the next morning.. :P
We planned to still try to get tickets for Katy Perry on January 19th even if it's sold out earlier.. wehehehe. Wish us luck!! ;)
Well, this year I've seen 4 ( if seeing Neon Trees while I'm waiting for Cranberries can't be called 'watching' a concert.. hehe ) concerts I guess.. On Java Rocking Land I particularly waiting for Cranberries, and went to Java Soulnation only to watch Mike Posner whose having an awesome show that I enjoy so much!!
Telling about concerts will not be complete if I don't mention my first one.. It is Simple Plan's! Hihihi. Yes, I like this band so much as a teenager ( I still am anyway-a teenager :p ) I went there with my sisters and accompanied by my very cool and spoiled Uncle.. Hehe. And I still think that's the most coolest concert I've ever been to.. :)
December 2, 2011
Wish You Were Here Lyric
Mostly, I like a song when I've found out what that song's about. I've fallen in love with this Avril's song recently, and my man likes it too! And here is the lyric.. :)
I can be tough / I can be strong / But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl / That gives a shit / Behind this wall / You just walk through it
And I remember all those crazy things you said / You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we did / Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I love the way you are / It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say it like it is / And the truth, is that I really mi-i-iss
All those crazy things you said / You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did / Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
No, I don't wanna let go / I just wanna let you know / That I never wanna let go
(Let go let go let go let go)
No, I don't wanna let go / I just wanna let you know / That I never wanna let go
(Let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)
*Repeat 2x:
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I can be tough / I can be strong / But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl / That gives a shit / Behind this wall / You just walk through it
And I remember all those crazy things you said / You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we did / Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I love the way you are / It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say it like it is / And the truth, is that I really mi-i-iss
All those crazy things you said / You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did / Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere / But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
No, I don't wanna let go / I just wanna let you know / That I never wanna let go
(Let go let go let go let go)
No, I don't wanna let go / I just wanna let you know / That I never wanna let go
(Let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)
*Repeat 2x:
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn / What I'd do to have you Near, near, near
I wish you were here.
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